Ematrix is one of our most popular laser options for our patients with acne scars and textural issues. Ematrix is a radiofrequency sublative laser that uses energy to penetrate deeper into the skin which means it allows for deeper penetration of the skin to better help boost your overall collagen production which results in more youthful, glowy and smoother skin! Helping to tighten pores, brighten overall dark acne scarring, and smooths out deep scars. Because of this technology, it allows a more aggressive treatment, with much less downtime.
- Stop the use of all Salicylic and Glycolic Acids as well as any Retinol, Tretinoin & Retin-A for 3-5 days pre/post treatment.
- Staying out of the sun when the UV rays are at their peak (12-2pm) as any laser treatment will make your skin more photosensitive.
- Do not wear makeup on the day of treatment.
- No sun-tanning or self-tanners 4 weeks prior to treatment (includes spray tans, tanning lotions, tanning beds, sun exposure, etc.)
- Some medications or supplements may increase the risk of bruising. Consult with your physician.
- Notify clinic with any changes to your health history or medications since your last appointment
- History of herpes or cold sores may require an antiviral prescription prior to treatment
As with any non-ablative resurfacing lasers, most patients have a mild-moderate ‘sunburn’ look & feel anywhere from 2-3 days. On day number 3, your skin will feel very dry, similar to a fine sandpaper like texture. Slight swelling is normal for this treatment and can last up to 5 days. This is completely normal and should subside after the 7th day. We recommend moisturizing daily to help with this process.